
Amoeba 84

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Wow, there is some red hot type and illustration work in the Flickr-folio of Amoeba 84. Inspiring work for sure. I am loving it all.

written by Christopher | tags: , , , ,


Damien Poulain Updates

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Damien Poulain

Damien Poulain has a few new updates on his site, including some new work for the Guardian. Always inventive, and always fresh.

written by Christopher | tags: , ,


Cut and Paste 2009

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I woke up this morning to find an email about this year’s Cut and Paste competition waiting for me. It sounds like it could be really exciting and something worth participating in to end up in NY surrounded by serious talent.

Here is the skinny from my inbox:
· This year, Cut&Paste is introducing the first-ever live 3D design and motion design contests

· The 2009 tour will begin in North America in March (Europe and Asia will follow)

· The Global Championships—which will feature a winner from each of the 16 participating cities—will take place in New York City in June 2009

· Grand Prize: One Grand Prize winner from each category in each city (48 in total) will receive an expenses-paid trip to New York City for the Global Championships. For a complete list of prizes, visit: www.cutandpaste.com/tours/program/formats/.

written by Christopher | tags: , ,



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Stereographics is a book about the recent trend of creating dimensional graphic design. There has been a lot more of it this year as it seems designers have yearned to leave the confines of the screen. The book is only $40 and weighs in at 224 pages. It looks like theres is some really great content inside and you can pick one up here.

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,


Yulia Brodskaya

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Yulia Brodskaya’s hand-cut type arrangements have been spreading across the net like wildfire and for good reason, they are expertly crafted and just really cool.

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,